Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So much has transpired since my last message that I decided I'd better get on here and catch you all up!

God has led our efforts at Heart of God International to help the children of Uganda in an unexpected, but exciting and challenging new area this year. Through a dear sister in Christ, Verda Reeves , we were directed to a group of children in Tororo and Bunambutye Uganda. The needs of these children are great, as is most of third world countries as we know them. In particular are the Karomojong tribe of Tororo. This group of people are said to be the lowest in society, an outcast even of their own native country. Life for these children is so appalling that it's hard to hear how they must survive. Many are forced to eat from garbage, or will fight over dead rodents only to fall ill and die from the rotten food. Lord, no child should ever have to eat like that, but the fact remains that they do.

Patsy Morgan a sister in Christ has been helping to serve these children along with Pastor Ruth in Tororo Uganda. Patsy has been sending us updates on the children and specifics on the needs to be met.

This past month we ran a flip-flop fundraiser for the children of Tororo. With the partnership of Riverside Christian School and the amazing hearts of the attending fourth and fifth grade students we were able to collect 196 new pair of shoes. My husband Mark and I gave a presentation and a message on giving to the students, staff and several parents during chapel. During this presentation photos were shown and a story given of just how difficult it is for these Tororo children to survive each day. Many gasps were heard as photo after photo was shown of these children bathing at school in a large basin, if they were lucky enough to make it to school, it's the only bath they ever get. Children eating beans and posho during lunch, the only meal they eat each day. Young children carrying their infant siblings for miles on their backs so they can go to school, some not older than 5! No running water in their homes, no food on their tables, no t.v., no toys, no mother or father.

At the end of the presentation the principal came forward to thank us for allowing his students to participate in such a meaningful fundraiser. He mentioned that one of the parents was so moved by the presentation that she drove home and came back with 200 more pair of flip flops!

The principal again surprised us with a generous cash donation for the children of Tororo. I cannot tell you how much my heart just swelled with gratitude.

I don't know why I'm always so amazed by what God does and how He accomplishes his desires.

The next step in this fundraiser is to get all those boxes of shoes shipped to Tororo. Two boxes are on their way and will hopefully arrive before Christmas. If you'd like to help get the other boxes shipped as quickly as possible, please visit the website where you can make a donation, any amount is helpful.