Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's been a while since I've posted to this blog. My last day in Uganda just happened to be the day my camera battery died. As soon as I get pictures from my friend Sharlyn, I'll post day 10 in Uganda.

Since our trip so many events have taken place in Tororo. Two year old Difasi was finally able to have his much needed bladder surgery. He is recovering well. I look forward to the photos that show him walking again! It amazed me how many distractions came along before he was able to actually receive his surgery. Extreme situations all the way from his father abducting him, thinking some how his mother was making money from their sons surgery, to riots in the city the day of his scheduled surgery. The good news is he had his surgery and it was a success! What was going to be a four part procedure, ended up being done in one step! Thank God for Pastor Ruth and Rachel from World Vision who never stopped interceding and making sure he was taken care of.

The children from smile africa are now receiving fruit each week in their diets from Heart of God in Uganda. They look forward to "fruit day" and scream with excitement when the van pulls up with the sweet treats. The babies are getting much needed milk from Evelyn. We met Evelyn while in Africa. She is a missionary that lives in Uganda and visits the orphanages. She brings Bible study materials and other needed items as she is able. The physical and spiritual health of the children depend on these gifts from God.

The adolescent girls from smile africa also received a wonderful blessing! Ten girls are now living in a safe home, free from abuse and living on the streets. They are also getting a formal education for the first time, with daily meals, bible study and medical care. Gods provision, through a generous donation, has made it possible for them to start living a normal life. The life all children have a right to, but unfortunately don't always get.

It is always heart warming to know that in some small way you are making a difference in the life of Gods children. As the good news came pouring in so did the bad. It came as no surprise that satan would try and undermine the work we were trying to do for Gods kingdom. I was not prepared for the way in which he would do it.
An email came from Pastor Ruth telling me of a toddler named Wudo that was thrown into the streets. Wudo is only 3 years old. His sister Sande is one of the adolescent girls sponsored by Heart of God in Uganda. Sande was abused by her Aunt. Sande and Wudo lost both parents a few years ago and the Aunt took them in. Sande was forced to gather rotten garbage for her Aunt. The Aunt in anger of having no one to gather food tossed little Wudo out. He was found on a deserted road alone, naked, dehydrated, hungry and crying. He had been there for at least one day. One of the teachers from smile africa, by the Grace of God, happened to travel this road and found him. He was brought to smile africa immediately. He was given porridge and clothing. He is now living in another home run by children.

I can't understand how a toddler can be punished by an adult this way. I know that it's our sinful nature that cause us to react in ways that aren't conducive to
living a life that's right. I continually find myself wrestling with God about the conditions and situations these children live in and why He would allow it to continue. Children living in homes that are run by other children. When will they ever get the chance to be a child? Having come from a broken home at an early age I was forced to grow up quickly. Children need to be children. They need to feel safe, and be safe. Many of these children are babies! Many are like Wudo. They have no paternal parent to nurture and care for them. They don't know what it's like to be hugged and cuddled! They are forced to live in abusive homes, with rejection or on the streets. Their childhood is robbed from them!

In the same email came the sad news of Akol, he is 13. Having no food at home his guardians sent him to school with a stomach full of alcohol. He began to vomit profusely during class. The teachers carried him out and poured water on him. Tried giving him milk to settle his stomach and left him to sleep for hours. When he finally awoke he was dazed and confused!

Please continue to pray for the children of Uganda. While great steps are being accomplished, there is still so much more to do. My brain is trying to understand, and come up with a plan to help educate the adults on the effects of child abuse, both physically and spiritually.

If you'd like to help end the needless hunger and suffering of these precious children go to
