Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can Joy Be Found In The Midst Of Suffering?

Our trip to Uganda is fast approaching. With so many details to be completed it almost seems impossible that it can be done, yet there is a sense of peace knowing that God has this all under control.
Our economy is in a state of dispair to put it mildly. Many run to and fro each day with worry and fear wondering if their jobs are secure, if bills will be paid, if they'll have enough food on their tables. If only life in Uganda were so blessed. Yes, I said blessed. For most fathers and mothers in Uganda there is no choice of what to feed the children, whether to eat at home or run through this is not the question, but rather their dilemma is which child gets fed when and if they have food. This is not a sudden crisis but a way of life. One that needs to change drastically.
Every 3 seconds a child dies from lack of food, clean water and fatal diseases. I can't help but wonder in the midst of all their pain and suffering, with the lack of daily food and hunger if they can or do experience joy.
I can't help but think that God reveals to them His glory each day, His hope for a better life.
Recently Riverside Christian School in Riverside California held a "Flip Flop" fundraiser for the children of Uganda. When those shoes arrived to these precious children they sang, they danced, and they praised God. My heart was overjoyed, and filled with emotion as the photos arrived depicting this very scene. There in the midst of their hunger, and suffering was joy! Not because they had food, or bills were paid, or they had a job, no, this like I said is a way of life that they struggle to deal with daily. Joy was found over a simple but much needed pair of shoes.
I can not wait for the day when we step off the plane and see with eyes wide open what true joy is in the eyes of these beloved children. The planning stages are underway on determining simple but effective ways we can minister to not only the children, but the widows and families that are awaiting our arrival.
I am praying that God would minister to our hearts in this area. That He would show us His Will and that we would use the resources He provides wisely, and that His love would overflow into the lives of each living soul we meet.
One attainable goal is to bring toothbrushes and toothpaste for the orphans. We'd like to get a copy of the "Good News" childrens Bible into the hands of each child. We hope to have evangelistic outreaches for the women and children. We will be helping to treat wounds and feed the hungry. We need people like you to come along side us and offer what ever resources you can to help make it happen.
If you would like to assist in our efforts or need more information please visit our website or contact us directly.
In His Mighty Grip,
Denise Matthews
Heart of God in Uganda