Monday, July 13, 2009

My Journey with God to Africa - Day Two 21-06-2009

I suppose this is really still day one, although with the time change in Africa it was day two. Amazing how you can be turned around in a matter of hours as to what time of day it "really" is.
We finally arrived in Entebbe and not a moment to soon! As we gather around the baggage check it became quite apparent how tired we all were. No longer were we gathering what we could in our arms, we were all headed to carts to carry even our purses! LOL
Our carts were overflowing with luggage and the very real concern was "would we get all this luggage through baggage check without a hitch". I prayed a private prayer as we headed for the counter. Not suprising, but still surprised we were waived on through by the baggage check personnel. Again, a small fingerprint of God.
As we rounded the corner I immediately spotted Pastor Ruth in her beautiful dress. My heart was pounding and the lump in my throat was immediate. I looked at Jan and she told me to go over and be the first to make contact. I was over joyed with emotion. We hugged and immediately I knew I would come to love this woman. She began to introduce the people standing by her. George our driver/guard and then she turned and said, "this is Saphan". I don't think it hit me for a moment who it really was. Then I realized and was happily surprised that Saphan and his wife Alex had actually come to meet us. They had lost their daughter to cancer at the age of two, just a couple months short of our arrival. I had been on a prayer list for her along with many others. When they heard of our arrival in Uganda they wanted to meet us. Due to our arrival time, we thought it would be best if they came to the vision clinic. There is something that we didn't know about the people of Uganda at that point and would come to know later during our trip. That is that they truly appreciate and want to be a part of knowing and sharing in the family of Christ. They don't care about time, trouble or anything else that we as americans look to first. It's an overwhelming sense of love..the love of Christ. How sweet it is!
They brought a friend by the name of Sanon with them.
We started out to the cars with a half ton of on earth we would get it all there was the question of the moment!
Saphan and Alex were gracious to offer their vehicle to help get our luggage to the missionary home. Again, sacrificial giving at it's best. They didn't know us from Adam, but insisted that we allow them to help us.
As we headed out to our host home for the evening, I sat in the back of the van with tears streaming down my face! I am in Uganda! Thank you, Jesus for allowing me the privilege of being here on your behalf. I'm consumed with emotion!
The ride to our host home was laughable too, as we came across many people, motorbikes, and cars buzzing all around us. Some just mere inches from our car! The drivers are on the opposite side as ours here in America. The road seemed to be nothing short of a free for all, if there's a spot and you get it, it's yours. This is when you wish you had insurance with you! LOL
We dash off the main road onto a side road to get to the home of Steven and Mary. If you've ever rode on Indiana Jones at Disneyland you would then have some idea of what this road was like. Not only are you shaken to the core, but the idea of scraping up against a wall or tree or bush at the exact moment made it much more exciting! LOL

We unloaded our bags and headed into the home of Steven and Mary. What a hospitable couple they are. I had the idea we would go in and head to bed, but they had other plans. After we sat and greeted each other Steven informed us that dinner would soon be served. Oh my! I could no more eat than ride a buffalo!~ LOL
Mary had cooked a meal of chicken, rice, cabbage and a ground peanut sauce and pineapple for dessert. As we sat and ate dinner, we all praised God for his provision and all the He was about to do this week. Mary who seemed a bit shy stayed in the kitchen quite a bit.
We sat back in the livingroom for a while and continued to get acquainted. Saphan and Alex were so sweet. Alex is just a little bitty thing. I couldn't help but thik about the loss of Bernice, and yet they both sat smiling. As the night grew later, we were shown to our rooms. They were very comfortable. It was strange seeing a mesquito net hanging from the ceiling, but they are very much needed on more than one level. Sharyln and I shared a room. I was never so excited to see a bed! LOL After sleeping on a plane for 21 hours, the thought of laying down was so appealing. The little things we take for granted. It's now the end of a very long plane ride and the beginning of our adventure in Uganda. I'll no doubt sleep well and wake excited to see what tomorrow brings! Thank You, Jesus..Thank You, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet memories! Steven and Mary were indeed gracious hosts for our first night in Uganda. What a blessing they were!

    I don't think you were the only one praying private prayers as we wheeled past security and customs. We expected to have to bargain our way through customs with all the luggage we had. It turned out that they simply waved us by with big smiles on their faces ... that was a MAJOR thumbprint of God. It could have been quite costly, but instead, God caused a deep sleep to overcome them and they were too tired to stop us (well, maybe not, but it sure seemed that way)!

    Thank you for not mentioning the snoring either ... I'm sure it wasn't me. LOL

    And, oooohhh ... the pineapple was sweeter than any I've ever tasted. Reminded me of our journey with Jesus that gets sweeter as the days go by!

    Can't wait to read "Day Three"! :)

