Sunday, August 7, 2011

Strength in The Moment of Temptation

Temptation. The word alone sounds tempting, doesn't it. Temptation. It's something we all face daily. No one on earth is above it. There is however, One that can help us to overcome it.

"The Father...shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever." John 14:16

Today we are headed to the Youth Center in Tororo to hold our Youth Rally. Funny thing about our American language used in East Africa. They don't always have the same definition. When you hold a rally in Uganda, in their translation it means a protest or uprising. So, today we have changed our schedule to include a Youth Conference. The theme for the conference is "Tough Times, Strong Savior".

We arrive slightly delayed, "TIA". The youth are all inside, singing and dancing upon our arrival.
The team heads in straight for the stage. There are about a hundred youth inside.

We all introduce ourselves, then toss out twelve beach balls and crank up the music. The kids are jumping and yelling, swatting balls around the room. The energy is going!

This would be a day of stretching and growth for some of our team members. When we share our testimony we are sometimes tempted to keep quiet. This would be true for many Christians. The enemy wants nothing more than to condemn us of our past and keep us from giving God glory for setting us free. Today, we are setting free the bondage of condemnation!

Keegan shared a message of going through tough times with a relationship he was in. He has found victory through this trial and his message was a blessing to many. The amazing thing about sharing a message or testimony is that it makes you real. It makes others see that they aren't the only ones going through difficult times.

We played games of Cookie Face, jump rope contests, and Fix the Banana.  Cookie Face was a race to see who could get the cookie that is placed on their forehead moved down to their mouth, without using their hands, the fastest. It's not as easy as it looks!

Fix the Banana was a game that had a message to it. Two teams came up front and were instructed to wait for the go, then peel the banana and cut it into pieces. Go! And they're off! The teams were peeling and cutting the banana as fast as they could. Ok, now what?
Bryan then asked them to take the banana's and put them back together just as they were before they started. What? They looked at him very confused. "Go ahead, take the banana pieces and place them back in the peel and put it back together again." he said.
Blank stares and confusion were all he got. He looked at one of the girls and said, "you can't do it, can you?" and then he proceeded to eat a piece of the cut banana! The kids laughed hysterically. Then he said, "wow that banana is really good, you want some?"  roars of laughter filled the room as he ate some of the other teams banana as they were trying desperately to put it back together.
Finally, he brought it home for them. Sometimes in life we do things that can cause everything to change, and things can't go back to the way they were. When we're tempted in life (and we will be) we need to really think about the consequences. When temptation is too great, we need to pray and ask Jesus to help us!

We had a message that followed this on purity by Andrea. Sexual temptation is a tough subject  but one that needs to be proclaimed boldly! She did an amazing job! Then she followed it up with a poem.
Sharlyn and John did a skit on a young couple starting to date. Sharlyn and John have two married sons and grandchildren. They had the kids (I should say John had the kids) in stitches. It was really cute!

After the messages we invited the youth who felt led to come up front and pray a purity prayer in front of their friends and teachers. Anyone that came also got a small ring to wear. They all charged the stage! I pray that if even one had a pure thought of being obedient, that it was worth the rush!

I found out a couple days later that Andrea almost backed out of doing her message. She didn't feel like she would be an effective teacher. The enemy was again tempting her to disobedience! Thank you Jesus for overcoming this obstacle for her!

Abriana and Cassandra sang a song called "This Little Light of Mine".

We had testimonies shared by Julie, Kaleb, Sommer, Abriana and Bobby. Most of them were difficult to share. They were messages of tough times! Times of temptation, hardship, and sin. The types of messages that God loves to get the glory from! And He did!

Abriana shared how she was diagnosed at three years old with cancer. She was in the hospital having treatments. She remembered many visitors and her family close by and praying constantly for her. She said she remembered her grandmother being in the room with her praying. She said, "grandma do you feel it?" Her grandmother asked, "feel what?" "The rain" she said, "the rain". Her grandmother didn't feel any rain, but Abriana felt something on her like rain. The next day the doctors told her parents that they couldn't find any signs of cancer in her body! She was instantly healed and has been cancer free ever since! She graduated high school this year!

The team did a skit that we thought might be too much for the youth in East Africa. They might not understand fully what's going on. Sylvia and Christy held signs on both sides of the stage that gave brief descriptions of what was happening. By the end of the skit, the kids were screaming, yelling and praising God! Pastor Ruth was in tears. She said it was the most powerful skit she'd ever seen. She said, "these children know, these children know" and couldn't utter another word...I sat with tears in my eyes with her!

We dove right back in with fun and energetic songs! Had to bring it back up and so it was!! Let the fun begin. Had a jump rope contest and loud music...yes it was on!

We broke for lunch. It was time to learn to eat Ugandan style for some team members. Oh, its not easy and yes, it's messy!

After lunch the Ugandan youth ministered to our team. It's an great way to experience East Africa culture through dance, skits and testimonies. Can I tell you, "kids are kids no matter where you live". I will say they have us beat on the dance skills! These guys and girls can move!!

The girls below are actually in a competition for best national school dance team. I say we get this the to US and start an exercise video. Makes my shoulders ache just watching it! LOL

This team was from Royal Palace ministries. Watch these two guys! They know how to move!!

We ended the program with a salvation message by Scott. There were probably about twelve kids that came up on stage to accept Christ! He kept asking, "is there anyone else?" probably about three times he repeated this, until he was sure and then they all prayed together. This is why we do this. God calls us here to be vessels and tools to help others that they might know him. That they might see that temptation is everywhere, all over the world. That even so, Jesus can help them over come temptation and live a life that's pleasing and glorifying to him! Praise your name!!

We ended the day feeling God all over us! What a great day!
We got to the hotel early and were able to shower and get cleaned up before dinner! That was a treat!
Sommer was crying at the youth rally towards the end. I asked her what was wrong and she wouldn't tell me. When we got to the hotel she told me. She said when Scott as asking if there was anyone else that wanted to recieve Christ, she felt like she should go up. She didn't and was feeling guilty. She had always thought she was saved and a Christian until today, until she'd experienced all that God had allowed her to see up to this day. She asked me, "what should I do mom? Is it too late?"  I grabbed her hands and she prayed for Jesus to come into to heart right then! Oh, it's never too late!!!

Lot's of highs tonight at dinner! Thank you God for this wonderful ministry of yours!!
Thank you God for a wonderful day!

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