Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Vision Expands in Uganda

I'm overwhelmed with gladness of God's mercy and grace. With each day that passes He pours out more and more of His blessings on this mission trip. You cannot read about what's been transpiring and not see His hand in it, it's just impossible. The glasses are coming in at an alarming rate, as well as toothbrushes and other needed supplies. The lessons that I'm learning are unmatchable anywhere else. When we are called by God and He instills a vision for His glory, He always makes a way for it to be completed no matter how impossible it may seem to us, His ways are far greater than our own understanding. Each day that passes, each new person added to the project, each new donation that arrives is all orchestrated by Him. I am in awe!
Today the screening in Tororo reached to the main village and pastor Ruth sent this message of hope and inspiration, dedication and love for those less fortunate. Dr. Ben Bwonya is a true man of God, who knows no boundries for showing his compassion and love for Uganda. I am honored to work with them both and Thank God for them daily.

My Dear sister Denise,
Today, we did the screening for the local community, the people kept time and by 8:00am we had over 100 people.Dr.Ben and the team did a great job. He will be sending you details. Thankyou so much for introducing Dr.Ben to Smile Africa, he has displayed a commitment that shows that he is not just a doctor, but a person with a heart for God's people.When he came today for the screening excercise, he brought his wife along, she was heavily pregnant and he had sensed signs of labour pain. After starting off the screening excercise,he then told me that he was taking his wife to a hospital in town for check up, she was retained in hospital and Dr.Ben came back and attended to the screening excercise while monitoring the situation of his wife by phone.By 5:00pm when they concluded the excercise, he told me he was going to check on his wife and would keep me informed of her condition.about two hours later he sent me a text message that God has blessed them with a beautiful daughter.I thanked God for the blessing of safe delivery and for enabling him meet the appointment with the local community.Isn't God so awesome?.

At the same time, i talked with Dr.Ben about the sick child, i explained to him the situation of getting a specialist to examine the child.All of a sudden he said "yes, i know of a Urologist who comes to Mbale once a week over the week end",he then dialled the number and talked with the specialist, he got an appointment for me to take the child this saturday.I am so thankful to God for making it easy for us to reach a knowledgeable person that is so close and i believe he will be able to guide us and i trust that God will put in place the rest that is needed for this child to get help. We have the money to make it to mbale as well as any minor expenses that may arise.Thankyou all of you for praying for this child and the work of God world wide.

I will be sending the pictures of the screening excercise of today.

Your sister in Christ,


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